Norsk Helsenett - Team Plattform
Team Plattform will enable NHN as a whole organization to transition over to kubernetes for all their products. Strategicly this shall be done with on-boarding, education and guidance for each team, so they are capable to make the transition from Windows to Linux and Kubernetes.
Norsk Helsenett - Security Champion
Person Service is a rewrite of an older system to kubernetes, containerized micro architecture. Person Service consumes the Norwegian Tax Department for information about all inhabitants in Norway, which is then exposed to the Norwegian health sector, such as hospitals, medical facilities etc.
Folkehelseinstituttet - Digital Death Notice
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) (Norwegian: Folkehelseinstituttet; FHI) is a Norwegian government agency and research institute, and is Norway’s national public health institute. It is subordinate to the Ministry of Health and Care Services. NIPH acts as a national competence institution in public health in a broad sense for governmental authorities, the health service, the judiciary, prosecuting authorities, politicians, the media and the general public, international organizations and foreign governments. The employees are located in Oslo and Bergen.